Hi, new input will auto-run depending on column results and if I hide the column, will new inputs still run?
Yes, hiding columns does not affect their functionality. When you hide a column, it still exists and operates behind the scenes - it's just not visible in your table view. The auto-update feature will continue to run all columns whenever rows are added or edited, regardless of whether those columns are hidden or visible. Sources: Configuring your table settings | Documentation | Clay University Customizing your table view | Documentation | Clay University Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Automated Outbound] - Clay University
what about export? If I hide columns will they show during export or API pull?
When you export data from Clay, the CSV export mirrors your table view exactly. Hidden columns will not appear in your export.To manage what data appears in your exports, you can:1. Create a dedicated "CSV Export View" by duplicating your current view 2. Show/hide the specific columns you want to include/exclude 3. Export the CSV from this viewThis way, you can maintain different views - one for your regular work and another specifically formatted for exports, containing only the essential data you need. Source: Download as a CSV [Clay 101] - Clay University
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will Clay table run on the cloud if I close the tabs?