I'm trying to use LOB via Clay to validate US Addresses. I made an account in LOB and brought over the API Key but when I run it against the CSV I uploaded in Clay I get error msgs. I've used a the secret key and published key same result for both. I'm under the Lob API limit to pull info. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?
If you're experiencing error messages when using Lob for US address validation, it's likely related to your API key configuration. Here's what you should do:1. Go to Settings > Connections in your Clay account 2. Search for "Lob" in the connections section 3. Verify that your API key is properly connected and validMake sure you're providing the correct input format for the address validation - it should be in a format like "123 Main St, San Francisco, CA 94105"If you continue to experience issues after checking these items, please provide the specific error message you're receiving so we can help you further. Sources: Validate U.S. Address with Lob HTTP API integration overview | Clay University
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