Hi there, I have created a column to validate email addresses via Zerobounce which is returning the result Valid email OR Invalid email - I then want to create a final column which has the Email status as verified or unverified. I have tried using the AI formula generator but I've been unable to - can you provide some assistance.
You can create a final column using an AI formula based on the Zerobounce validation results. Here's how to interpret the results: 1. Zerobounce provides a "Status" output field that indicates whether an email is valid or invalid. 2. By default, catch-all emails are returned as valid. However, if you've enabled the "only mark safe to send" option, catch-all emails will be excluded from valid emails.To create your final column, you can use an AI formula that checks the Status field from Zerobounce and maps it to "verified" or "unverified" based on your requirements. The validation columns may be hidden by default, but they exist behind the scenes and can be referenced in your formula. Sources: Enrich People (Waterfalls) [Clay 101] - Clay University Validate Email with Zero Bounce
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