Trying to run a basic column/action of "add to smartlead campaign"... but I changed the "email copy" which is supposed to update the automatically driven subject line... but I turned off auto-updates because well I don't want to waste time on credits for this. Anyways, the issue though is... I can't get the add/update campaign column to run because of "stale data". Not really working as intended. And then it is crashing the tab...
Hi Jared, thanks for reaching out! Happy to take a look here for you
Do you mind sending the link to the table so we can take a look?
Hey Jared, thanks for reaching out! You should be able to bypass stale data by selecting 'Update Cells' and then select 'Continue without running'. Just checked your table and it looks like the email subject line was re-ran, was this the intended action here?
Hey Owen. The client / react app keeps on crashing when trying to show "this cell has stale data"... and I got annoyed as in the "ship shit to get it done" business. So just re-ran it all, left it at auto-update. I should have done some "inspecting" stuff for you all to help figure out what was happing. How do I "update cells" overall for all 2K rows wasn't clear here.. but it was also broken/frozen.
all good. consider me a bug tester by using. am sure your PMs/designers and such already know about these, but if they don't hope it helps.
Absolutely! These situations do help improve the product so we appreciate your patience with us here. :)