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Writing Entire Cells to a New Table from Google Maps Results


How can I write the whole cell to a new table? “Select a list from a column” does not allow this for Google Maps results. Thx!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    👋 Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!

  • Avatar of Bruno R.
    Bruno R.

    Hi Andreas, thanks for reaching out. Taking a look at this now.

  • Avatar of Muhammad S.
    Muhammad S.

    This is because that is not an array but individual items. You can use add other data from this table option and it will fetch the cell data contained within google maps item from there.

  • Avatar of Bruno R.
    Bruno R.

    Thanks for your input, Muhammad! Your best approach would be to use the "add other data from this table" feature within our write-to-table enrichment column: Make sure to map out all the properties you want to write to your destination table as I showed in the gif above. I hope this helps, we're aware that the process of mapping out the individual columns can be tedious and our engineering team is working on some updates for this specific enrichment!

  • Avatar of Andreas W.
    Andreas W.

    yeah I wanted to avoid mapping out individual fields as I expect a pretty long workflow to be triggered based on this data. It feels like this should be possible, would love to see this feature

  • Avatar of Channeled

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