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Issue with AI Enrichment Causing Data Loss and Credit Overuse


Error while running AI enrichments. I ran 1200 rows successfully, around <10% had errors and I had to re run those. I selected "Run any that haven't run or had errors". It just deleted all of the past data (the rows that had ran successfully and didn't need to run it again) and now I have to pay/use credits to do this again for the whole list

  • Avatar of Channeled

    The information I've found doesn't directly address why selecting 'Run any that haven't run or had errors' would delete past data, including successfully run rows, during AI enrichments. This behavior is not expected based on the available information.Typically, the 'Run All Rows that haven't run or have errors' option should only process rows that haven't been run or encountered errors, without affecting previously successful runs.To better assist you with this issue, could you provide more details about the specific AI enrichment you were running and any error messages you may have encountered during the process? This information will help us understand and address the unexpected behavior you experienced. Source: Run Options

  • Avatar of Channeled

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