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Social Listening for Contacts: Monitoring LinkedIn Posts by Keywords


Hey Support team! Is it possible to do social listening for a list of contacts? For example, for a list, monitor for LinkedIn posts that include a keyword or a set of keywords...

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Yes, you can monitor LinkedIn posts for specific keywords from your contacts. Here's how it works: 1. You'll need the LinkedIn URLs of the contacts you want to monitor 2. You can search for specific keywords within their posts (multiple keywords can be separated by commas) 3. You can also filter posts by date, including relative dates like "30 days ago"The system will return the matching posts and the total number of posts found. Source: Find Recent Posts by User or Company with Companies, People, Jobs

  • Avatar of Andrew T.
    Andrew T.

    Thanks! This makes sens for a one-time pull of posts, but what about on-going monitoring?

  • Avatar of Channeled

    While we don't have a direct automated monitoring system for LinkedIn posts, you can set up a workflow similar to how our New Hire signals work: 1. Create a table with the LinkedIn profile URLs of the contacts you want to monitor. 2. Use the "Find Recent Posts" feature regularly to search for your keywords. For each contact, you can: ā€¢ Enter their LinkedIn URL ā€¢ Specify your target keywords (multiple keywords separated by commas) ā€¢ Set a date filter like "30 days ago" to focus on recent posts 3. You can structure this as a custom workflow with: ā€¢ Regular checks of your target contacts ā€¢ Specific keyword filters ā€¢ Custom triggers for when matches are foundFor the most up-to-date results, you'll need to refresh the search periodically to capture new posts. Sources: Find Recent Posts by User or Company with Companies, People, Jobs New hire signals guide | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Arturo O.
    Arturo O.

    Hey Andrew, thanks for reaching out!! This is not currently a signal-type feature but the team is working on Scheduling actions to eventually be able to re-run specific columns on a regular basis. Once more progress is done on that end and released, that's probably how you will be able to set this up. Stay tuned!

  • Avatar of Andrew T.
    Andrew T.

    Thanks, Arturo!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Hi Andrew T.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: