Hi team, need a little help on this: https://app.clay.com/workspaces/298276/workbooks/wb_opfzip7oXnxY/tables/t_mc6NwnWmRxCq/views/gv_vwWa8rQQeiBv getting an error when running Instantly column. already tried generating new API but still couldn't locate my campaign:
Hey there Ericson thanks for reaching out, was taking a look into your table and I noticed that there was an issue with Campaign ID which is why the column had issues running. It looks like the account that is connect does not have an active campaign to be selected which is why the error is occurring. Can you check if this is the right Instantly account or if there is an active campaign in this specific account. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1239477974/619483e83bb5871115891a9c3bae/image.png?expires=1730748600&signature=73b4741b1c5320350daefa27109374f9175cf6a9deefcd1ce3eb0f6b481997a0&req=dSIkH815mohYXfMW1HO4zdkl40xMWZxztPRzxeBr%2FOVmbxIfPagBSty%2FyDHs%0A4dru%0A
it's the right instantly account
and there are a lot of campaigns
Hey Ericson, thanks for reaching out! It looks like the only API key without any associated campaigns is 'Lead Assassin Instantly 10/17.' The other API keys all have campaigns available to select for adding a lead (as shown in the image below). If you're planning to use the 'Lead Assassin Instantly 10/17' API key, I recommend double-checking for any differences in permissions or settings compared to the other three API keys. Let me know if this helps, otherwise lets troubleshoot further. I have a feeling this is associated with certain permissions related to this API key specifically. Are all of these API keys from the same Instantly account? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1239837051/95be231344e08ac02893015b4355/CleanShot+2024-11-04+at+21_13_35%402x.png?expires=1730774700&signature=fd3367dbce7c45d9193539996540424d2ec265d2f4c64dda575a2a8a6875de4f&req=dSIkH8F9moFaWPMW1HO4zX8sMbz9TyEDsYLtecXDZN0EcfRH3Sr%2BWMJwEiz8%0AHImj%0A
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!
Hi Ericson D.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: