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Is there any way to change the separator in Clay csv exports?


Is there any way to change the separator in Clay csv exports? Now it only exports with “,” as a separator. Can I adjust it to “;” separator?

  • Avatar of Sławom P.
    Sławom P.
  • Avatar of Channeled

    Currently, we don't have information about changing the separator in Clay CSV exports. Our CSV export feature mirrors your Clay table exactly, using the standard CSV format.To export your data: 1. Open the table you want to export 2. Click Actions > Export > Download CSVThe resulting file will be a standard CSV, which typically uses commas as separators. If you need a different separator, you might need to modify the exported file using a spreadsheet application or text editor after downloading.Would you like to know more about customizing your export view to control which data is included in your CSV file? Sources: Download as a CSV [Clay 101] - Clay University Export and Download a File

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    Hi Sławom P.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: