When you’re using find companies, and you set it to exclude companies from an existing table, how does it match / exclude those companies? By name, website, etc?
The Find Companies feature allows you to exclude companies by referencing any other Clay table containing a previous company search. This is done through the "Exclude Companies" section, which helps prevent duplicates and ensures your current search doesn't include companies you've already identified in other tables. Source: Find Company overview | Clay University
Yes but how does it match the two data sets and decide which companies to exclude?
The Find Companies feature allows you to exclude companies by referencing another Clay table that contains a previous company search. This is done through the "Exclude Companies" section, which helps prevent duplicates by filtering out companies you've already identified in other tables. Source: Find Company overview | Clay University
Hey Mathew, thanks for reaching out! Excluding companies is done on the company domain or LinkedIn Profile URL level. Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions. :)
Got it — so you’ll need ONE of those two data points to exclude companies from a find companies search
That is correct! Hope this helps, let me know if you have any other questions, concerns, or need a hand setting up a workflow. :)
all good -- thanks