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Optimizing Contact Generation from Company Lists: Tips and Tricks


Hello! I'm a little confused on the number of contacts I'm able to generate. Let's say I had 200 companies in my company list. I set a limit to only take 3 contacts from each company but I can only generate around 130 contacts and the thing is I have 3-6 contacts for some companies and zero for many. What's the best approach to getting it to work correctly? I've watched the Academy video in lesson 101 but it doesn't cover this use case.

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    💤 You've caught us outside of our support hours (9am-9pm EST), but don't worry - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in the thread below so that we can help you as quickly as possible!

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    Bo (.

    Hey, thanks for reaching out! It sounds like the issue may be related to how the search criteria are set up. Here’s a breakdown of what might be happening and how to fix it: • Exact Match Searches: If you’re using specific search terms like “CEO,” the system will only return results that exactly match that title. So, if someone has “Chief Executive Officer” or a variation, they won’t be included. To improve results, try expanding your search terms or using synonyms. • Exclusions: If your company list includes companies of different sizes or stages, it may help to add exclusions or refine the filters to ensure the search captures the right contacts from relevant companies. • Claygent: You might want to consider using Claygent to target the specific contacts you’re looking for. This approach can be more accurate and bypass privacy restrictions some providers may have. If you’d like, feel free to share the table URL, and I’d be happy to help debug further! Let me know how this goes! 😊

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    We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!

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    Hi Grady A.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: