hi - the work emails waterfall doesn't seem to be working correctly
Hey - Can you do this for me: 1. Show All Rows: Follow the steps shown in the screenshot to display all rows. 2. Check Email Validity: Look for the hidden validation column to see if the found emails are valid or not. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1233026336/8b14e6748ab307707de5776fa565/1a6e23fd-1c52-407c-b34d-e23de48a9108?expires=1730226600&signature=922f8c5889b6805a4e10eaa7f5288f245a7db17f0529d6320748c113ff09862a&req=dSIkFcl8m4JcX%2FMW1HO4zVMogdkaspRFcj5esxojxnRX1TiLJXfCJK0U%2F4P8%0Airo8%0A As you might have noticed, some emails are deemed invalid. Here’s a recap of how our waterfall process works: • Inquiry: When we need to find an email, we ask our providers if they have information on a particular contact. • Response: If they have the details, they send them to us. If not, they send nothing. • Cost: Each successful inquiry costs credits, and we can’t predict what they’ll provide until we receive it. • Validation: We then pass this information to a validation tool that also cost credits and to keep tables clean, validation columns are automatically hidden. If an email is invalid, the next email finder tries to find a new one. However, if it finds the same email as before, it won’t re-validate it since it has already been checked and it won't return it in the final column. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask! 🌟 Check out this Loom video for more details.
Hi Bo - it ended up working, but it seems like there's a huge lag
i added my apollo API to the first leg of the waterfall - has there been issues with it recentely?
i'm running it for more leads now and it's running into the same lag . the table says "updateing cells" but I don't see Clay working on any rows
seems like i have to refresh the page once in a while (not sure if that's a clay bug or if it's on my end) , but it's working
but i have one other question - if i put my apollo api key as the first leg and it maxes out on the daily limit - will the other legs of the waterfall still work?
Yes, if Apollo reaches its daily limit or encounters an error, the Waterfall will move on to the next provider automatically. For large tables with many columns, it may take longer to update and might not immediately show progress, but it should still be running in the background. For now, patience with larger runs should help as it continues processing. Let me know if you have any other questions! https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1234648794/761b4ab429f8fc58a6e2f61487be/CleanShot+2024-10-30+at+_50w9EZdP6C%402x.png?expires=1730331900&signature=0988bfc34b5badea8b9fccd90ce658db3187b50bab4f14a03ce8fb4bd8214ed9&req=dSIkEs96lYZWXfMW1HO4zVxpU8APKTS4ESLQwaNJu2IWfzGbnpfZb4t0xnA6%0AvF5G%0A
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!