any idea when you folks will support OpenAI o3-mini?
We don't currently have information about supporting OpenAI's o3-mini model. Our integration with OpenAI focuses on their GPT models for various data enrichment and analysis tasks. We continuously work on improving our integrations and expanding our capabilities to meet our users' needs.To better assist you, could you please clarify what specific functionality you're looking for with the o3-mini model? This will help us understand your needs and potentially explore options to support them. Sources: OpenAI/GPT x Clay integration | How OpenAI is scaling their GTM motion with Clay - The GTM with Clay Blog
Hey there Adil thanks for reaching out, this is a great question the team is currently looking into adding this model to our AI integrations as we speak, however they have yet to give an ETA on implementation. Make sure to keep an eye for announcement for when we release this.
as a potential alternative to Claygent
Thanks for the feedback will make sure to see if we can get added as option for this as well.
Hey, thanks for reaching out - It's now available! :)
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