Hi, I don’t know if it’s been asked yet (probably lol) I just got started with Clay and I found 1000+ companies. Then I used the find people (3 per companies) and it generated only 177 rows. Is there a way to do it so I can have all the people at these 1000+ companies?
Yes, you can find people across all your companies using the Find People Search tool. Here's how: 1. In the Find People Search, select your list of 1000+ companies from your Clay Table in the Companies section. 2. Set your search parameters like job titles, experience, or other criteria you want to target. 3. Adjust the record limits: • You can set an overall record limit (default is 100) • To get more than 250 results, you'll need to contact friends@clay.run • You can also set a per-company limit to control how many people you want from each company 4. Click "Preview People" to review the results before importing them into your table.Note that each person found will cost 1 credit, so plan your search accordingly. Sources: Find People overview | Documentation | Clay University Source - Clay Find People with Companies, People, Jobs