Troubleshooting Formula for UX/UI Staff Role Identification
need some help , I am trying to use the formula for the following; give me a sentence based on the answer.
If only 1 role, sentence should be "I noticed {NAME} is the only staff member involved in UX/UI
If none, sentence is "I browsed Linkedin and didn't see any staff members for UX/UI, I guess you're using contractors?"
If more than 1 role, sentence should be "I saw on Linkedin you had an internal Ux/Ui team".
this is the formula I am using ; {{/Find Contacts at Company}}.includes("No Profile Found") ? "I browsed LinkedIn and didn't see any staff members for UX/UI, I guess you're using contractors." : {{/Find Contacts at Company}}.includes("Found 1 Person") ? "I noticed " + {{/First Name - People}} + " is the only staff member involved in UX/UI." : "I saw on LinkedIn you had an internal UX/UI team." but every output is giving the same "I saw on LinkedIn you had an internal UX/UI team"