Hi Team, I'm trying to create a unique guid for each row in a table. Whats the best way to do that?
You have a couple of options to handle unique identifiers for your rows:1. Use Auto-dedupe with a specific column: โข Enable automatic deduplication from the Auto-dedupe icon at the bottom right of your table โข Select a column that contains unique values to serve as your identifier โข This will maintain uniqueness based on that column 2. For Salesforce data specifically: โข You can select specific "Uniqueness Fields" to use as unique identifiers โข If no unique identifier is selected, the entire row will be used as the identifier (though this may cause duplicates)If you need a more specific solution for generating GUIDs, you may want to request help from our support team for guidance on custom implementations. Sources: Salesforce Reports with Salesforce Auto-update and Auto-dedupe Table
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