Hey, I'm finding that I'm getting this error consistently whenever I upload data into templates. everything is pre-set to run automatically but the exact template had no issues before, but recently some cells seem to get stuck / not run. I hit update table which sometimes, starts the runs but can take several attempts. I've checked the run logic throughout the table, and cant understand what would be causing this to happen. https://app.clay.com/workspaces/12893/workbooks/wb_6kG6o8qXJEsD/tables/t_yeHtpi3tq9wo/views/gv_jRcjAr2qTHBZ
๐ Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch soon. If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hi J, thanks for reaching out. Taking a look at this now!
I've since updated the table, so might need to share an example when it comes up again
Happy you were able to address this issue and sorry about the delay. It seems as if all issues which are occurring in this table are related to stale data. You set up your workflow to obtain certain outputs, but then edited some of the inputs within the workflow, causing stale data. To solve this, you will have to update your upstream cells by selecting "update stale cell". You can see that rows run successfully once the upstream inputs have been updated correctly.
Sorry, to clarify something absolutely no edits made, pre built template. simply uploaded data and not all rows respond the same way some times, behave as you describe but no edits of any kind happening.