can i make a clay table private in my workspace?
By default, your table data is already private and can only be seen by you and anyone you invite to your workspace.If you want to share a table, you'll need to explicitly enable sharing by: 1. Going to the top bar and clicking on your table's title 2. Clicking "Turn on sharing" 3. Then choosing to either: โข Share via a public link โข Share with specific email addressesYou can turn off sharing at any time by clicking "Turn off sharing" in the sharing window. Sources: FAQ | Guide: How to share a workbook and table as a template | Documentation | Clay University
I don't want anyone in my workspace to see
Based on our terms of service, data uploaded to Clay is automatically accessible to all users within your workspace. There isn't a way to make a table completely private from other workspace members, as Clay is designed to allow data sharing within workspaces. The data is only accessible to users within your workspace and the Clay team.If you need to keep certain data completely private, you may want to consider creating a separate workspace for sensitive information where you can control access through workspace member management. Source: Clay: Terms of Service
Hey Annamarie, thanks for reaching out. While user permissions are something our engineers are currently working on, being able to make a table completely private is something I'll confirm with our team. :)
Hey Anaamarie, just confirmed with our team this is unfortunately not something on our roadmap. Let us know how else we can assist and if you have any other questions or concerns. :)
Hi Annamarie G.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: