Does anyone know if I am able to reference a column as a conditional statement within a clay table into a sales engagement tool? ie. Outreach
Yes, you can use conditional statements with your Clay table data when drafting messages for sales engagement. Here's how it works: 1. You can create conditional snippets in your messages that display specific content based on your table's data. 2. For example, you can segment leads by creating a dropdown column in Clay (via Add Column > Select) and then use conditional snippets based on that segment when drafting emails through Actions > Draft Email.The conditional snippets feature supports: ** If/else conditions based on recipient-specific data ** Logical operators (AND, OR) to combine multiple conditions ** Comparison operators to check if fields equal, don't equal, or contain specific information ** Custom fields from your data for personalized messaging Sources: Message drafting overview | Documentation | Clay University Example Salesforce workflows Conditional statements | Documentation | Clay University