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Maximizing Accuracy and Choosing the Best Data Source for Chatgpt AI Prompt


Hey, do you have any inputs on how we can maximize accuracy when using Chatgpt AI prompt? Been using some template and creating a custom prompt as well to test variations: Would it be best as well to put 'description' column as the best data source for the review instead of domain etc? is investments OR investment OR finance OR capital OR asset OR financial OR banking OR fund OR savings OR finance OR mortgage OR financial services OR investment management. Put YES if investments OR investment OR finance OR capital OR asset OR financial OR banking OR fund OR savings OR finance OR mortgage OR financial services OR investment management and put No if not matched above.

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Hi, thanks for getting in touch! yes, if you can use more accurate data and prevent claygent to perform more search operations thre will be less chance of error