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Troubleshooting Clay's Contact Finder for LinkedIn Users


Im trying to find decision makers at companies via the clay built "find contacts at a company" using the company linkedin. For some reason it can't find any at the company but when I go to their linkedin, I can find a director in the people section. I have got their job title already in the search. Im interested to know how it works and if I should use a different intergration? Screenshot attached

  • Avatar of Channeled

    The "Find Contacts at Company" feature works by searching through Companies, People, and Jobs data sources to find and add contacts directly into Clay tables as new columns.For better results in finding decision makers, you might want to try our Claybook template approach instead, which works through these steps: 1. Set specific job titles for the decision makers you're looking for 2. Add company domains of target accounts 3. Uses Google search to find the decision makers 4. Employs waterfall enrichment to find their work emailsYou can access this alternative method by copying our free template for finding key decision makers. This approach might help you find the contacts that aren't showing up through the standard "Find Contacts" integration.If you need additional assistance, you can ask for help in our Slack community or schedule time with a Clay expert. Sources: Claybooks: Find key decisions makers and their emails using only a company URL | Find Contacts at Company with Companies, People, Jobs Find Contacts at Company with "Companies, People, and Jobs" |

  • Avatar of Summiya B.
    Summiya B.

    You can use claygent to find the decision makers It works better also.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    You can use Claygent to find decision makers by following these steps: 1. Navigate to the enrichment panel in your Clay workspace 2. Look for Claygent under the AI section in Tools 3. Use Claygent to locate and extract information from LinkedIn profiles of decision makers, including: โ€ข Work experience โ€ข Awards โ€ข Professional summaries โ€ข Other relevant profile informationThe process is streamlined with our pre-built templates, making it easy to get started even if you're new to working with AI agents.For best results, you can use Claygent to find the initial LinkedIn profiles and then analyze the extracted information to identify the most relevant decision makers for your needs. Sources: Claygent: AI Web Scraper [CRM Enrichment] - Clay University Claygent: AI Web Scraper [Clay 101] - Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

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