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Issues with Company Lookalikes Preview in Clay Table


Why does the Preview show me list of people of companies that are NOT in my Clay Table (Company Lookalikes)? It seems to just pull people from random companies.

  • Avatar of Channeled

    The company lookalikes feature is designed to show you similar companies based on your seed companies - this is actually a feature, not an issue! There are two main ways to use company lookalikes: 1. As a source to create entirely new lists 2. As an enrichment to existing company listsIf you're seeing companies that aren't in your original table, this is because the system is finding similar companies based on your existing data.To ensure you don't see unwanted companies, you can: 1. Use the "Exclude Companies" feature to remove specific companies by referencing another Clay table 2. Set up matching criteria (like social URL or domain) to automatically exclude companies you don't want to seeThis will help you refine your results to better match your target companies. Sources: Find Company Lookalikes [Clay 101] - Clay University Find Company overview | Documentation | Clay University Enhanced table exclusions, simplified email sequencers, Notion integration, Google Docs integration, and more!

  • Avatar of Channeled

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