I need help with a formula
column is Domain Match Check what I'm trying to achieve is if any of company name words is present in email domain, then returns true but formula I have is not doing the job
{{Company Table Data}}?.["Company Name"]?.split(" ")?.some(word => {{Mixed Email}}?.includes(word)) ? true : false
that formula doesn't even reading from email domain but instead entire domain, still not working
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also tried with this one, which is if mixed email exist, and domain exclude company name then true
{{Mixed Email}} && {{Mixed Email}}?.split('@')[1].includes( ({{Company Table Data}}?.["Company Name"].includes(' ') ? {{Company Table Data}}?.["Company Name"].spit(' ')[0] : {{Company Table Data}}?.["Company Name"]) ) ? true : false
notice that for company name I'm internally doing with js if company name includes " " (space in between) then see if first word it's contained in email domain
none of this is working properly
nvm, solved this formula worked {{Mixed Email}}?.split("@")?.[1]?.includes({{Company Table Data}}?.["Company Name"]?.toLowerCase()?.split(" ")?.[0])
nope, not fully working can you help me figuring out this?
try this formula
({{Company Name}}?.toLowerCase()?.split(/\s+/) || []) .some(word => ({{Mixed Email}}?.toLowerCase()?.split('@')[1] || "")?.includes(word))
Hi Esteban, thanks so much for reaching out, and a big thank you to Muhammad for your help! 😊 Just checking in—has this been resolved?
I need to test it first sorry the deay
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!
Hi Esteban L.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: