If I have a enriched profile and would like to push info into existing columns, can I update it directly? Or do I need to create a new column for new info first?
You can do either - you have two options: 1. Map directly to existing columns: You can push new enrichment data into existing columns. To do this: ā¢ Click on the enrichment cell containing the data you want to use ā¢ In the Cell details panel, hover over the desired endpoint ā¢ Click 'Add as column' ā¢ Under "Map to an existing column", select your destination column ā¢ Note that this will overwrite existing values in the destination column. 2. Create new columns: Alternatively, you can create new separate columns: ā¢ Click on the enrichment cell with your data ā¢ Hover over the endpoint you want to use ā¢ Click 'Add as column' ā¢ Enter a column description ā¢ Click 'Create column' Source: Table columns overview | Documentation | Clay University
I did that as shown in the screenshot, but new data aren't showing in my existing columns
This could be happening because the data needs to be refreshed or updated. Here are a few things to check: 1. The data may be on a refresh schedule - by default, updates happen every 24 hours. 2. Fields with null values are ignored during updates to prevent overwriting existing data. Make sure your source data contains valid values.To manually trigger an update, you can click on the enrichment column header and select sources to refresh the data.If the issue persists after trying these steps, you may want to request help from a human agent who can take a closer look at your specific setup. Source: Snowflake integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey, thanks for reaching out - I'd create a new merge column 1. Go to the far left of the table and click on Add Column 2. Select Merge 3. Link the value you want using the forward slash (/) first, then link the second value, etc. using the forward slash again! Let me know if that helps! :)
Absolutely, Bo. So Grouped Columns cannot be pushed to existing column?
If that column is empty, yes, otherwise no, it'll overwrite the current data for the newly linked value, not the older one!
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Thanks Bo! Might be a bug then? As shown in the screenshow, I was trying to move the data into existing columns where cells are indeed empty. It says "updating" but then nothing happens Pushing it into a entirely new column works fine though