How does auto-dedup work? If it detects a duplicate, will the subsequent columns run before it deletes?
Auto-dedupe helps maintain unique records in your table by automatically deleting duplicate entries. You can enable it by selecting the Auto-dedupe icon at the bottom right of your table and choosing which column to use for deduplication.The feature's main benefits are:** Keeping your table data clean by removing duplicates ** Saving credits by preventing the same record from being enriched multiple timesHowever, regarding your specific question about subsequent columns running before deletion, this information is not explicitly covered in the available documentation. You may want to ask a human agent for clarification on the exact order of operations when a duplicate is detected. Sources: Auto-update and Auto-dedupe Table Auto-dedupe
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Hey! Auto-dedupe only keeps the first version it sees in the table - any duplicates that come after get deleted right away. So if you have columns that would run on data if it's a duplicate, they won't get a chance to run - the row gets deleted before that can happen ๐ Let me know if you want me to clarify anything about how this works!
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