Hi! I know that you can share and duplicate workbooks so that you have a 'template' to work off of, but I'm wondering if there's any way to save filters for a "find people" search so that I don't have to enter in the same job titles each time?
Hi Sarah, thanks for reaching out! There's currently not a way to save filters for find people, but you can pull more results from the same find people source!
All you have to do is go to edit source and then increase the limit for the number of results returned. This will add more results to your people table! I've included a quick video of this below. Does this work for you, or are you looking to apply the same find people search to a different table?
thanks for the response! I followed your instructions but it looks like the companies part is not editable, which is the part I want to change...
We are working on the ability to save find people/companies/jobs filters, but for now you can copy the job titles and paste them into a new source where you have the correct companies updated
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!