Hey guys! I'm having a problem with creating a smartlead campaign with clay. Every time i create a smartlead campaign, i get this error: Error: Error {"error":"Campaign not found - Invalid campaign_id."} I also tried to manually create a campaign and upload the leads manually through a CSV on smartlead, then run a lead update smartlead enrichment on clay. -- It then asks for a lead id which I cannot find. Can someone help me?
๐ค You've caught us outside of our support hours (9am-9pm EST), but don't worry - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in the thread below so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hey Francis, thanks for reaching out! Happy to help here! First, do you mind sending the link to the table so we can take a look? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1171717996/ac7729f84b426e1d0358af02/image.png?expires=1729697400&signature=8ad326eb0f1d78ee54a41370686ad78a4d71c362c762a2d2a8e846949e13cd34&req=dSEgF85%2FmohWX%2FMW1HO4zYTywCL6D5AS2BKsam%2FhVPs4pw%3D%3D%0A Second, could you clarify if you are trying to create a new campaign in Clay directly, or add leads to a new campaign you've created in Smartlead? Clay currently doesn't have the ability to create new Smartlead campaigns within your table. You would need to create the new campaign in Smartlead, but we can lookup, remove, and add leads to any campaign from Clay! Feel free to share more details here ๐
Nevermind, when i checked it on the smartleads platform, it seems to have created a new campaign. I just had to refresh the clay page. Thanks!
Thanks, Francis. I'll go ahead and close this out, but let us know if you have other challenges.
I am having the same problem as Francis. Did the "create campaign in Smartlead" options change? Mark L. Tanvi R...... https://app.clay.com/workspaces/105140/workbooks/wb_JJcRbR4fiD7n/tables/t_afbN8ZMfm336/views/gv_2MvNcrx6oDTc . In this table when I go to action's "Create Smartlead Campaign" and complete the prompts I get the same error.
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