I have a CSV file with companies (company names and corresponding websites) from our CRM - I want these companies to be excluded when I try to "Find Companies." I've imported this CSV file into Clay, but when I add it to "Exclude companies" function, it says "This table does not contain a companies search." Question: How can I get Clay to exclude all of the companies in my CSV file from future "Find Companies" searches?
To exclude companies from your Find Companies search results, you'll need to first run a company search in Clay and save those results in a table. The Exclude Companies feature specifically works with tables that contain previous company searches, not directly with CSV files.Here's what you can do:1. Import your CSV list into a new Clay table 2. Run a Find Companies search for those companies 3. Save those results in the table 4. Now you can use this table in the Exclude Companies section when running new searchesThis way, you'll ensure your future searches won't include companies from your original CSV list. Sources: Find Company Overview - Clay University Find People Overview - Clay University
How do I simply run a "Find Companies Search" for the companies listed in my CSV? I can see how to find companies based on perimeters, but not simply how to "search for companies with these names."
You can import your list of company names in two ways when using our Find Companies search:1. In the Companies section, you can: • Upload your CSV file as a Comma-Separated List • Select an existing Clay Table that contains your company namesOnce you've imported your list:1. Define your search parameters by setting any additional filters like industry, location, or company size 2. Set a record limit to control the number of results 3. Click "Preview Company" to review the results 4. Import the results into your desired Clay tableRemember to iterate and refine your search parameters if needed to ensure you're getting the most relevant results for your target companies. Sources: Find People Overview - Clay University Find Company Overview - Clay University Find Companies [Clay 101] - Clay University
Above you said I can "Run a Find Companies search for those companies" - which I took to mean I can simply get Clay to search for the companies in my CSV by name. Your recent post has said I have to define search parameters (like industry, location, etc.) This doesn't seem to resolve my issue. I want to have a Clay table with a "companies search" that only lists the companies in my CSV - no more and no less. Is this possible?
Here's how to create a table with companies from your CSV file:1. From your Workspace Home, select "+ Create new" and search for "CSV" to import your file. 2. Upload your CSV file by either: • Clicking "Browse Files" • Dragging and dropping your file into the upload area 3. When importing, select "Create new table" and click "Import". 4. Match your CSV columns to the appropriate Clay table fields to ensure your data is properly organized.This will create a new table containing exactly the companies from your CSV file, with no additional or excluded entries. Sources: Import a File How to import your CSV into Clay - Clay University Find People Overview - Clay University
Will I then be able to use this table in the "Exclude companies" function for additional companies searches?
Yes, you can use your CSV-imported table to exclude companies in future searches. After importing your CSV file into Clay, that table can be referenced in the "Exclude Companies" section when performing new company searches. This helps you avoid duplicates and ensures your new searches don't include companies you've already identified. To get started, first import your CSV by creating a new table or adding to an existing one through the Source panel. Sources: Find Company Overview - Clay University How to import your CSV into Clay - Clay University
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