I'm enriching a list with techstack and I paused enrichment with predictleads because I noticed it wasn't using my API after about 5 pulls. I then changed it to use my API and it accepted but then continue to use credits. I'm now down about 10k from it. https://app.clay.com/workspaces/427003/workbooks/wb_H2BxWGrFkQkZ/tables/t_nJUUrMs3aUey/views/gv_nqbXWddfRi8y
When using your own API key, you need to explicitly select your account for each enrichment. By default, Clay's API key will be selected even after adding your own. To use your API key instead of credits:1. Go to the enrichment panel 2. Look for the Account section 3. Switch from the Clay-managed account to your own accountMake sure to verify that your account is selected before running the enrichment.Remember, when using your own API key, you won't be charged Clay credits for enrichments. Sources: Icypeas integration overview | Clay University Guide: Ways to save Clay credits | Clay University Do I get charged credits if I bring my own API key? - FAQ | Clay.com
Yea that's fine, I switched it to my API and I know I did because I opened and closed it and it was still my API but it still used credits.
By default, Clay's API key will be selected even after adding your own API key. You need to explicitly switch from the Clay-managed account to your own account for each enrichment you run. Just adding the API key is not enough - you must actively select your account in the enrichment panel before running the enrichment.When using your own API key correctly, 0 Clay credits should be used as the costs will go to your personal API account instead.Since credits were used in your case, it's likely the enrichment was still running with Clay's API key rather than your own. Double-check the Account section in the enrichment panel to ensure your account is explicitly selected before running any further enrichments. Source: Guide: Ways to save Clay credits | Clay University
I did. See the image. Confirmation my API key was selected.
When using your own API key, Clay credits should not be used at all - 0 Clay credits should be charged when running enrichments with your personal API key.Since you've confirmed your API key was selected but credits were still used, this appears to be unexpected behavior. By default, Clay's API key will be selected even after adding your own, but since you've verified your account was properly selected, you should request human support to investigate why credits were deducted despite using your own API key. Source: Guide: Ways to save Clay credits | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey there Bryce thanks for reaching out, which Tech Stack column is this for I see that you have two of them.
I don't remember now... I think the second one.
They're boh predictleads.
Hey there Bryce added the credits back to your account for you. Taking a look at the column it is now showing that your API key is selected to run with