Hi all. Does anyone know if there is an app in Clay that can scrub phone numbers against the National Do Not Call registry?
While there isn't a direct integration for checking the National Do Not Call registry, you can use ClearoutPhone to validate phone numbers and set up processes to manage your contact lists. ClearoutPhone helps verify if phone numbers are active and identifies their line types (mobile or landline).To manage Do Not Call compliance, you can: 1. Use SmartLead's duplicate checking features 2. Set up a Lookup action in your table to flag contacts 3. Create conditional rules to prevent contacting specific numbersFor the most accurate DNC compliance, you'll need to maintain your own DNC list and cross-reference it using Clay's lookup features. Sources: Smartlead integration overview | Documentation | Clay University ClearoutPhone x Clay integration | Clay.com ClearoutPhone integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
Great! I'm glad I could help. I'm here if you have any more questions.