In this table: I'm looking to: 1. Run the AI prompt "AI Update Number of Attorneys" if the column "HubSpot Number of Attorneys" is blank or equal to zero 2. Then, I want to merge the columns to output the final value, either from HubSpot or the AI response. Something is off (either the prompt or the merge formula or both), because it is not running for ones that say "0". Can someone please verify?
To fix the issue with your AI prompt not running when "HubSpot Number of Attorneys" is 0, you'll need to set up the conditional formula correctly. Here's how: 1. Go to the "Run Settings" section in your AI enrichment panel 2. Click "Use AI" or enter the conditional formula manually 3. Create a condition that checks for both blank and zero values, like this: "Only run if /HubSpot Number of Attorneys is blank OR /HubSpot Number of Attorneys equals 0" 4. Click "Generate Formula" to let AI create the proper formulaThis will ensure the enrichment runs in both cases - when the field is empty and when it contains zero. Sources: Conditional Formulas AI Formulas + Conditional Runs [Automated Inbound] - Clay University
That helped with the AI prompt, but not the merge column if it is not 0
To merge columns when the value is not 0, you can: 1. Click "Add Column" > "Merge columns" 2. Create a formula using the AI Formula Generator that specifies the merge logic. Type your condition using "/" to reference the columns you want to merge.For example, you could create a formula that: ** Uses the HubSpot value when it's not 0 ** Uses the AI-generated value when HubSpot value is 0Once you've typed out your logic in the AI Formula Generator, click "Generate Formula" and review the sample output before saving. Sources: Hide, Re-order, Sort, Filter, Merge Columns Formulas
I'm still having trouble, row 2558 example
To fix the column merging issue, you can follow these steps: 1. Click "Add Column" > "Merge columns" 2. Input a formula that specifies your merge logic between the two columnsFor the specific case of merging the HubSpot attorney count with the AI-generated count, you'll want to create a formula that: ** Uses the HubSpot value when it exists and is not 0 ** Falls back to the AI-generated value when HubSpot is 0 or emptyIf you're still experiencing issues after setting up the merge formula, you may want to: ** Double-check the formula syntax ** Verify the column names are referenced correctly * Review the data types of both columns to ensure they're compatibleWould you like me to help you construct the specific formula for your case? Source: Hide, Re-order, Sort, Filter, Merge Columns
Can I use the same merge column that I already used or do I have to create a new one?
You can modify your existing merge column instead of creating a new one. Here's how: 1. Right-click on your existing merge column 2. Select "Edit Column" 3. Update your formula to combine the columns as needed 4. Save your changesAlternatively, if you prefer to start fresh, you can create a new merge column by clicking "Add Column > Merge columns" and input your new formula there. Sources: Hide, Re-order, Sort, Filter, Merge Columns Rename, Pin, Duplicate, Delete Column
Yes, can you create the formula for me?
To merge the HubSpot attorney count with the AI-generated values, you can use the AI Formula Generator to create your formula. Here's how: 1. Right-click your existing merge column and select "Edit Column" (or create a new one via "Add Column > Merge columns") 2. In the AI Formula Generator, type something like: "If /HubSpot Number of Attorneys exists and is not 0, use that value. Otherwise use the AI-generated attorney count" 3. Click "Generate Formula" to create the formula 4. Review the sample output before savingYou can use the "/" symbol to reference your columns when typing in the AI Formula Generator. This will help ensure the correct column names are used in the formula. Sources: Hide, Re-order, Sort, Filter, Merge Columns Conditional Formulas Formulas
The formula preview was correct but when I hit save, it didn't do any updating
This issue might be related to the update schedule. After saving a formula, the table needs to refresh to apply the changes. You can manually trigger the update by: 1. Clicking on the column header 2. Selecting "sources" 3. Triggering a manual refreshThis will force the table to update and apply your merge formula to all rows.
I don't see sources
I need to correct my previous guidance. The "Sources" option appears only for source columns (like data imported from integrations) and not for merge formula columns.For merge formula columns, you can try these approaches instead: 1. Enable auto-update in your table settings, which will automatically run all columns when rows are added or edited. 2. If you need to modify the source configuration: โข Click on the actual source column (not the merge column) โข Select "Sources" from the menu โข Make your changes there Sources: Table sources overview | Documentation | Clay University Configuring your table settings | Documentation | Clay University
I created a new column for this and it is still not working. Can a human please look?
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey, thanks for reaching out Nicole - Could you clarify what you'd prefer to see when there's a 0 value? Should we leave it empty instead? This would involve adjusting the merge formula to handle zeros differently and the "none" inside of the AI results as well. I've actually recorded a quick walkthrough showing exactly how to make these adjustments:
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!