Hey team, Ran a Clay enrichment for people data, it sat there and spun for ages, deducted credits but didnt deliver any results?
When enrichments don't deliver results but deduct credits, this is because you're still charged for the attempt to retrieve data from our providers, even if no data is found.To avoid this situation in the future, we recommend:1. Start by testing with a small sample of about 10 rows before running the entire enrichment. This helps identify potential issues and ensures better results. 2. Consider using Clay's waterfall enrichments for better data coverage, which lets you search sequentially across multiple data providers.If you have your own subscriptions to data enrichment tools, you can connect your API keys to use them without spending Clay credits. Sources: Which actions cost credits (or are free)? - FAQ | Clay.com People Data Labs integration overview | Clay University Guide: Ways to save Clay credits | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
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