Hi guys, am getting this "awaiting callback" for all the icypeas column
When you see "awaiting callback" in your Icypeas column, it means the enrichment hasn't been run yet. To resolve this, you have several options: 1. Run the first 10 rows: ā¢ Click "Save" > "Run First 10 Columns" during action setup 2. Run all unprocessed rows: ā¢ Right-click the column ā¢ Click "Play" ā¢ Select "Run All Rows that haven't run or have errors" 3. Run from a specific starting point: ā¢ Right-click the column ā¢ Go to "Run Column" > "Choose Number of rows to run" ā¢ Specify your preferred starting row and quantity 4. Force run everything: ā¢ Right-click the column ā¢ Go to "Run Column" > "Force Run All Rows" Source: Run Options
that didn't help
Sorry it didn't help. You can rephrase your question or talk to our team.
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