Webhook Automation Failure: Record Limit Reached for Clay Table
Hey team, I have a webhook automation set up for a clay table but starting this morning attempts to write records to the table using the webhook are failing with Error evaluating sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay: {"type":"Forbidden","message":"Record limit reached for webhook","details":null}. I have inspected the payload for each erring record and they all look benign (see sample logs below). The requests are also spaced out every 1s so I don't suspect it's a rate limit issue either. My only hunch is the table I am writing to in Clay is almost at 50K rows (49,896 to be exact) but I suppose being on the enterprise plan (which we just signed up for) should ensure that's not an issue. Please advise.
[info] [sendPeopleSourcingRequestsToClay] Sourcing people via Clay for cdp_people_sourcing_for_account_task of 53555, account_id=0016Q000027uik****
[info] [sendPeopleSourcingRequestsToClay] {
[info] companyInfo: {
[info] sfdcAccountId: '0016Q000027uik****',
[info] name: 'Lake Bluff, Village Of',
[info] domain: 'lakebluff.org',
[info] linkedinUrl: 'http://www.linkedin.com/company/lake-bluff-school-district-65'
[info] }
[info] }
[info] --- Running function: sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay ---
[info] Error evaluating sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay: {"type":"Forbidden","message":"Record limit reached for webhook","details":null}
[info] --- Retrying query sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay (attempt 2/4) in 1000 ms ---
[info] Error evaluating sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay: {"type":"Forbidden","message":"Record limit reached for webhook","details":null}
[info] --- Retrying query sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay (attempt 3/4) in 1000 ms ---
[info] Error evaluating sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay: {"type":"Forbidden","message":"Record limit reached for webhook","details":null}
[info] --- Retrying query sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay (attempt 4/4) in 1000 ms ---
[info] Error evaluating sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay: {"type":"Forbidden","message":"Record limit reached for webhook","details":null}
[info] --- Failed running function: sendPeopleSourcingRequestToClay ---