when using clay to send a message to a slack channel is it possible to remove or change the clay logo to something else?
Yes, you can customize how messages appear in Slack by using the optional settings when sending a message. You can: 1. Change the bot name that posts the message 2. Add a custom emoji for the bot to use when postingThese options can be configured in the "Bot Name" and "Emoji" fields when setting up the Slack message action. Source: Slack integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
what about the profile pic of the bot?
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hi Miguel, thanks for reaching out. Taking a look at this now!
In your "send message to channel" Slack action you will have the option to change the emoji which is displayed with your slack bot in your configuration here: https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1358304469/7ae8d41d2eb306eee5a84909811c/CleanShot+2025-01-30+at+11_11_33%402x.png?expires=1738255500&signature=ed8c26fa67af0f5d85bd16abafdf9ab15a9a76a575226bbfd8de23f1043f0062&req=dSMiHsp%2BmYVZUPMW1HO4zSgCrQ%2B06dEyNKCBaGkaNfdR8stsnzULQ1AcSo%2Fn%0ALBhD%0A
right i do see that, but where would the emoji be located?
i specifically looking to change the clay logo
this logo is what shows everytime clay sends a slack message to a channel
would the emoji replace that?
Yes, that's right.
ah ok great how do i add an emoji? do i just copy and paste it? waht if its a jpeg?
To link an emoji to your slack bot, use the format :emoji_name: (e.g., :joy: for ๐). Slack automatically converts recognized emoji names into their corresponding emoji when you send the message.
is there a way to add a custome emjoi
If that emoji is stored in your slack instance that should work yes.
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