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Help Needed to Reorganize Rows in Excel Table for Contact Information


hello, Need help to reorganize rows in my table. Did not manage to do it with excel (formulas and JSON tried) Could you help? Basically, I want all the information related to a contact to be on the same line, and not offset as we can currently see. 2 examples: Contact 1:

  • Name on 1st row

  • Title on 2nd row

  • Phone on 3rd Row

Contact 2:

  • Name on the 4th row

  • Title on the 9th

  • Phone on the 14th...

Expectations: Contact 1 = 1st row Contact 2 = 2nd row and so on... 😬

  • Avatar of Romain L.
    Romain L.

    thanks 🫶

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Hey Romain! Sorry for the delay

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Hmm, trying to think of an easier way to do this. This was a CSV import, right?

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Maybe adding this data to a Google Sheet and using a Lookup to match against the right name?

  • Avatar of Romain L.
    Romain L.

    Hey Arturo O. Yes it is, will try, I'll let you know

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Happy to help on my end, just want to ensure there's a potential option we could consider, like that one.

  • Avatar of Clay T.
    Clay T.

    Also, spreadsheets usually have easy ways to correct offset rows but not very familiar with such formulas or configurations to ensure it's squared up

  • Avatar of Romain L.
    Romain L.

    Hey Arturo O. Thanks a lot for you aswers, one day I hope I could answer on time to your messages ahah 🙂 I will take a look at the different possibilities by the end of the day (my day), thanks again!