Hey guys, is there an issue with th eLinkedIn data, almost 50% of contacts founds in my table does not work anymore in the company... https://app.clay.com/workspaces/19532/tables/t_Zo7zm4YXndKb/views/gv_XqyY8ZSCeDZ6
This is actually expected behavior and not necessarily an issue with the data. LinkedIn data reflects real-world job changes, and our system helps you identify when your contacts have switched companies.We have specific templates designed for this purpose: ** A workflow to verify if people still work at their companies ** A template to track employees who left within the last 6 monthsThese tools can help you keep your contact database current and even turn job changes into potential opportunities. Sources: Verify if a person still works at a company | Clay Contact Companies of Employees Who Left 6 Months Ago | Clay
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