I just ran a "Find Companies" search and imported ~10k companies into my sheet. Then I ran the same exact search and did "exclude companies" from the table, and 10k results still showed up. Is exclude companies not working? https://app.clay.com/workspaces/439929/workbooks/wb_iJ5GmFCofPKA/tables/t_UjUDkWf8kENw/views/gv_DHMiCYFayhon
The 'Exclude Companies' feature allows you to filter out specific companies from your search results by referencing another Clay table containing previous company searches. This helps prevent duplicates and ensures your current search excludes companies you've already identified.If you're experiencing issues with this feature, make sure you're properly referencing an existing Clay table that contains the companies you want to exclude. If the problem persists, you may want to double-check that the table you're referencing has the correct company information and is properly linked. Source: Find Company overview | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey Mathew, thanks for sharing and flagging this issue. I'll run a test again so I can record and relay to the team so we can quickly address it.
I see what the issue is now, Mathew. Just reported this UI situation with the team. It appears as if a 'Current table' were selected to exclude but in fact nothing has been selected yet. If you manually select the Companies table then it will tell you it will exclude however many records exist in it and work as expected. Thanks for flagging! https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1302099111/26edaece5e14a98f7e07703eae48/chrome_PSZ4DJKJks.png?expires=1734480900&signature=83576099c43168a95559759b768344b6020998a8faf2fa35280df84f12ea4829&req=dSMnFMl3lIBeWPMW1HO4zczDfcPk7%2FyxJ87XAWBRaiZMvA2WdsvKfQh0jKJi%0A7L4%2B%0A
Cool -- thanks