Hi support. If I have a filter set, will my automatic columns run on the hidden rows?
👋 Hey there! Our support team has got your message - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in this thread so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
Hello Joessa, good question! If you have a filter set, enrichment will not run for rows that are not in the view (do not match the filters). However, if you have your table on auto-update columns and clear the filter, all the rows that did not run previously will be triggered. Because of this, we recommend using your filter as conditional formula in enrichments. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1225312687/907f64e5445c142191528f42f934/CleanShot+2024-10-22+at+17_31_58.gif?expires=1729634400&signature=37a83dcd16b5c3a72bfd6d53c2aabf7736740b47fc7bcaa2a115a65f9cbb0ee2&req=dSIlE8p%2Fn4dXXvMW1HO4zXyHc7rfoPEvd1b%2F6X6LvzSedthFf2VJ%2FAabXxK9%0AYjiW%0A
Got it Tomi thanks! We can't use conditional formula since we're doing a Clay table people search according to another person in your team. We're using filters as a workaround
Hey, thanks for reaching out - Yep you're right, sorry for that :)
We haven't heard back from you in a bit, so we're going to go ahead and close things out here - feel free to let us know if you still need something!
Thanks! We've reopened this thread. You can continue to add more detail directly in this thread.
Hi there. I'm reopening this thread. Can you pls confirm that Auto-update columns won't run on hidden rows?
For context I have a filter set on a live table and we're running an AI column. Only YES results should be carried over to the next table.
However, I'm getting values in the next table that are not in this view
Hey there Joessa thanks for reaching out, jumping in here, to clarify here Auto-update columns will still run even if there hidden. The only way to prevent columns from running would be to have the "auto-update" option toggled off either in the table or for the column. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1245116757/f05451fb53238f4a885948a78acc/image.png?expires=1731097800&signature=a2ede8300a124a8473bcf1f397098b8ff245614b705fcc8a3600c9694a7ff2f3&req=dSIjE8h%2Fm4ZaXvMW1HO4zetTKLT7BkoMIJqVpK5h3%2FYivDzt0Mwlo%2FP1Z9Bd%0A5nA%2F%0A The only time a column will not run, is if a row is filtered out of the current view, however hidden columns will continue to run
Hi Luis! Thanks for responding. I recorded a quick video for more context. https://www.loom.com/share/7f888046c39d42f98ec155c5e39ba1c5?sid=8332ad1c-e01c-4e09-a896-0cf40fc20cd0
Thank you for sharing this, Joessa, in this scenario as previously mentioned if a row is not visible in the view i.e. the row is hidden, then columns will not run for these rows. So, for those 7,282 rows in your view, columns will only run for these rows, the 14,000~ rows will not run, as the way that columns in Clay are setup is that they will only run for the rows that are visible in the view. As for the reason Huntington National Bank is appearing, this is due to the fact that the lead in row 692 has Huntington listed as a job experience in the formatted resume column. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1245247155/ddf7c8da4422b1324415f943fef3/image.png?expires=1731108600&signature=648f342b5d5b188daba37083b4533201b7d3c27b64459ffa40f16636a21a3923&req=dSIjE8t6moBaXPMW1HO4zR%2FoeuDQbTgfcsglH6muiyXTVorAEGGp3%2BZoT3Tr%0A0QNU%0A
Hey there - just wanted to check in here to see if you needed anything else! Feel free to reply back here if you do.
Thanks! We've reopened this thread. You can continue to add more detail directly in this thread.
LuisArturo The formatted resume content does not have any relevance in the people search. Just the company domain. https://www.loom.com/share/5c6ad75968d7469d829ef193bbdf1c6e?sid=91899887-05c8-435c-897c-1846a7dde5c2
LuisArturo I tried turning off the table and removing filter to look for the domain. It looks like the column ran on hidden rows. https://www.loom.com/share/582d429cd8654ac7ad84825fb410a615
Will you please refund the credits used on the hidden rows that ran?
Hey there Joessa sorry for the delay, just returned the credits to your account.
Arturo O. LuisArturo Clay S. Hey guys, we need more help here. The answers provided as to why hidden rows are still running do not seem to be getting answered. please advise
Thanks! We've reopened this thread. You can continue to add more detail directly in this thread.
Hey there Joessa and Schuyler, quick question, where there any changes made to one of the inputs for these columns that ran that were hidden? To clarify, as previously mentioned, hidden rows will not run if you run an integration column as they will only run on the visible columns when prompted to run. (As shown in the screenshot below) https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1250847585/eb1eacb907296a56b025170c59c2/image.png?expires=1731530700&signature=0fa90be120914722eded7cbc8212d4fbd117ab437606b8835c1c7e4d13377fa7&req=dSIiFsF6moRXXPMW1HO4zVL7jF4WYt6bnu%2BeMyNG9V7LsiNBQPYeJ%2BLrsWqm%0APNOe%0A However, if there was a change made to one of the input columns this would trigger rows to run even if they are hidden.
LuisArturo The input in the column comes from another company table. If this column runs, is it considered a change?
is it possible to jump on a call to look at this
Hey there happy to jump in a quick call to go over this
Would you like tot doe this over a Huddle on Slack or via Zoom?
Huddle is fine LuisArturo. Schuyler will be available in a few minutes
Ok then
We're available