Hey Team, I'm working on my client's workspace, when I use lookup integration, and click on table so it shows me no table found. Can you please check? Here is workspace id: 280114
This issue could be related to the integration account configuration. To resolve this: 1. Check if you have properly configured integration account credentials for the service you're trying to look up data from (e.g., Salesforce, Snowflake, etc.). 2. Verify that: โข You have the correct permissions to access the tables โข Your integration account credentials are valid and not expired โข The integration account is properly connected to your workspaceFor Salesforce specifically, ensure your user has these required permissions: ** Access to identity information ** Permission to manage data via APIs * Permission to perform requests anytimeIf you continue experiencing issues after checking these items, please ask for human support to investigate the specific workspace ID. Sources: Salesforce Integration Guide Workspace administration documentation | Documentation | Clay University
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey! Let's fix this lookup issue. Quick questions: Which table are you working with and trying to look up? For cross-workspace lookups - these don't work. Here's what to try: 1. Do a hard refresh: Mac:Chrome and/or Firefox = Press Cmd + Shift + R Safari = Press Cmd + Option + R PC:Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge = Press Ctrl + F5 2. Remove your current Clay API [App: Article Inserter] 3. Add the Clay API again [App: Article Inserter] Let me know if you're still seeing "no table found" after these steps.
Hey there! Yes, you can use Find More People with your table - but heads up, the fields will be auto-mapped or created. For cleaner data management, I'd suggest: 1. Add Find More People to a new table 2. UseWrite to Table to send the data to your existing table Also - quick favor for next time? Could you share the full table URL from your browser? Makes it much easier for us to check things out and help! Let me know if you need help setting up that Write to Table connection!
Can you please check this table? I want to use waterfall like first I want use find people(free version) if they show no people found then Apollo https://app.clay.com/workspaces/446766/workbooks/wb_xFfMMdtg4MZ2/tables/t_A3sACXt7Dgx3/views/gv_eM3mZdWrnDF4
Faheem - Do you mind sending the link (url) to the table so we can take a look? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1347419411/65baf32e1d2a789ffba395c6d35c/CleanShot+2025-01-22+at+_42I1FzxXHf%402x.png?expires=1738265400&signature=77f582c461f7a1b7f4cbbb42fa846cf42fc472696906e63b4f2c1ec518ffec17&req=dSMjEc1%2FlIVeWPMW1HO4zVws4pk1C1GsgvYjA82bedAikg%3D%3D%0A
I recorded this walkthrough video showing exactly how to set this up: https://cln.sh/nhtLSKFv Let me know if you have any follow-up questions!
Last Question, can I add these keywords when trying to find more people? I know when we use clay's find contact integration then we can map this column but I'm talking about when we click on find more people
Here's how 1. Create a formula, specify what you'd like to add 2. Save and run. 3. Re-link this column instead in the find people enrichment. The Clay enrichment found in the enrichment panel by clicking the "add enrichment" button at the top right of the page called "Find Contacts at Company" can also use dynamic keywords and allow you to find people directly in this table. You only need to click save in this table when adding it. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1358770002/be161375ed1c551df322d9277307/CleanShot+2025-01-30+at+_24JIA74zmS.gif?expires=1738273500&signature=56119e4a07c81bbe7557016d451b7468fcfa8a6347ff840e37149242b3b8ddc3&req=dSMiHs55nYFfW%2FMW1HO4zf%2B175cRZHOg1jPtkziy6cpNSlkkheL1EgFKQ9PP%0AwZQt%0A
Where can I map that column you just created?
You'd actually need to do "save in this table" not in a new table. Here's how: https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1358797123/ff3ab379ea19b17f52a8d687bbfa/CleanShot+2025-01-30+at+_35siBoKOYE.gif?expires=1738274400&signature=04037aef23e1169710717f2abb9e1868dae36628b1edc4ca2c5355d724c1a43b&req=dSMiHs53moBdWvMW1HO4zcZQLDcM721GYCMpuDW0iKDhyHw7IZN0sEruhGD8%0AGdl1%0A
Yeah but in this way we have to spend clay credits that I actually avoiding right now
I'm sorry to say that at the moment, it's not possible to add dynamic keywords to our free people search feature. This search only has the ability to add fixed titles. Is there anything else I can assist you with?
Got it, thanks Bo!