is it possible to migrate columns & configs from one table to another? I have data on an existing table and need to change the architecture, and have my enrichment columns run on a different table but there's quite a few to remake
Hey Nick, thanks for reaching out!
You can duplicate a table to keep the general structure and then make the smaller mods to that new copy, that way you'll keep the overall logic but without any data, you'll be able to import new records for that particular workflow once you're done or maybe a few to test your new logic out before adding more to enrich.Let me know if that was it!
Thanks Arturo. I prefer not to create a new table though, because there's a fair bit connected to the one that holds data right now, I just need the enrichment columns coupled with that data. How would you suggest I do that?
Sorry for the delay, Nick! I'd probably duplicate the enrichment columns and have them run on that other logic or the corresponding formulas
But overall, there's no way to copy single columns and paste them on another table with data included. If you duplicate a table, it just keeps the workflow with no data