‼️ Team - our clay credits are going down at a super fast rate and not sure whether we are doing that much for it to go down so so rapidly. pls check as soon as you can - we only brought forward a renewal a day ago so this is definitely off! https://www.loom.com/share/fae9c4a6de534757a40adeb243e713b9?sid=a36ba4eb-939c-48a7-b262-211d9fcf4e56 thanks
💤 You've caught us outside of our support hours (9am-9pm EST), but don't worry - we'll be back in touch within 24 hours (often sooner!). If you haven't already, please include the URL of your table in the thread below so that we can help you as quickly as possible!
hi yes thats our main "live" table
but I dont think theres that much activity for it to drop at such a rapid pace?
Hey there, it looks like the credits are being used up in this table. It looks like an email waterfall and a GPT column are running in parallel at the moment. Did you trigger these runs recently? You can stop your run momentarily here: https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1204160538/da997b50581e01e5d976b5ae365d/CleanShot+2024-10-04+at+09_00_19%402x.png?expires=1728048600&signature=b872b570ebe15eeae76dc1ce30e1d80db8aad3932aa73724e0c695b10b39798e&req=dSInEsh4nYRcUfMW1HO4zUh75BE9X6y%2FfnG9Oz0tQy58Rf4u4prYgTnHOKwB%0AOkB%2F%0A
As for the credit burn you experienced - this is due to the auto update rules in your running setup. I suggest that you either turn off auto update for the individual columns you don't want to run, or turn it off for the entire table. Here's how you can set either up: Column specific - Go to edit your column, and navigate to run settings, here you can do this: https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1137779497/e675647530189aca4d01a2d7/CleanShot+2024-08-07+at+10_23_15.gif?expires=1728048600&signature=35b214b69e1e694d5e0e528515662b7b20a3e78ac14e48309f66f1434d8534e6&req=dSEkEc55lIVWXvMW1HO4zYskgU0Y3o5zbp%2BMw5UyFo1J3w%3D%3D%0A Table wide - select your table name in the top left of your screen, and select disable auto update. Here's how you can do this: https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1137782355/ec817d03d6ccfaa53d270189/CleanShot+2024-08-07+at+10_25_03.gif?expires=1728048600&signature=478ae8bfe57450f4a62016168c6ff60e1d527dcc80c58ff66745f66d42ec7778&req=dSEkEc52n4JaXPMW1HO4zdbMn2Twf8qJkp6XUdDnZh1iGw%3D%3D%0A
GPT column and email waterfall have been running from dayone
hi which table would you like me to disable auto updates?
It looks like a new waterfall enrichment has been added to the table, and the entire GPT column seems to be re-running from scratch. This likely happened due to changes made to inputs upstream or modifications to the GPT prompt. Currently, both the GPT column and the email waterfall are actively running for all 15k rows in the table. I'm happy to stop the enrichment run and refund the credits used during this process.
the email waterfall always existed though - is there another one added? yes pls if you could stop the enrichment run and refund credits that would be great
I see what you mean - when updates are made to the GPT column if auto update is ON it runs all the rows - so if I need to make any changes, I disable auto update -> make changes and then click on auto update ON - correct?
Hi Shwetha, went ahead and did this for you! I hope this was helpful. If there's anything else I can assist you with, please let me know!
thanks so much Bruno 🙂
just to clarify - if I do make changes to the GPT column, i have to disable auto updates first correcT?
Hi Bruno - one quick question
I'm not sure what changed in the email logic - i see a lot of reds and the vallidated work email isnt working the way it used to
*validated work email column
Hi Shwetha R.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback: