Hi, I inserted a column in a formula but instead of the column value I'm getting this error output:
This error typically occurs when there's an issue with the column configuration in your formula. Common causes include:1. You might be referencing a deleted column 2. There could be invalid data or conflicts in the table structureTo resolve this:1. Double-check that all columns referenced in your formula exist and are correctly set up 2. Reconfigure your formula to ensure it's properly referencing the columns 3. If using the AI Formula Generator, make sure to use "/" to reference columns correctly Sources: Write to table integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Formulas
Hi Lovro, thank you for reaching out. Do you mind sending the link to the table so we can take a look? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/1171717996/ac7729f84b426e1d0358af02/image.png?expires=1736429400&signature=352f07e0accba6cb98783799cf5fe9933785f5d34c63a7713f01b1d2f5442075&req=dSEgF85%2FmohWX%2FMW1HO4zYTywS34BJ4S2BKsam%2FhVPtfyw%3D%3D%0A
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