Hello - I have a question about company enrichment: Is it the same cost to get all the enrichment my list (uploaded from CSV) with all basic data in linkedin or I have to pay per enrichment element (description, employees size, etc)?
Hi Aris, thanks for reaching out. Taking a look at this now.
The number of enrichments you'll need depends on the datapoints available in your CSV. These enrichments help replicate the insights you'd typically get for free with a basic people search in Clay. If you provide details on the existing datapoints in your CSV and specify which ones you'd like to add, I can estimate the Clay credit cost per record for you.
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Thank you for your continuous support. I need help so I can send personalized outreach, based on this workflow: https://www.tella.tv/video/personalized-outreach-for-b2b-saas-founders-1ubb Can you help suggest some ways to leverage Clay for this, is possible? Thanks