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Counting Unique Companies in a Database of Contacts


Team: how do I count unique records in a column? I have a database of contacts, and I want to know how many unique companies are represented. Thanks!

  • Avatar of Channeled

    You can count unique companies in your database using two approaches:1. Using the Count Occurrences integration: ā€¢ Select your company column as the input ā€¢ Enable the "Case-Insensitive" option to ensure accurate counting ā€¢ The results will show you how many times each company appears 2. Using the Normalize and Deduplicate integration: ā€¢ Input your list of company names ā€¢ Enable "Remove empty values" if needed ā€¢ This will give you a clean list of unique companies without duplicatesFor more precise counting, you can also use the Lookup Multiple Rows feature to scan your table for specific company identifiers like domains or names. Sources: Count Occurrences of Items with Clay Normalize and Deduplicate a List with Clay

  • Avatar of Channeled

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