*** Hello Clay S. I have a problem with an integration with LaGrowthMachine. It’s not updating the lead and I have no idea why. Is there logs somewhere? (table in the thread)
For leads not updating in LaGrowthMachine, check these key points: 1. Verify your settings in LaGrowthMachine: • Go to Outreach Settings in your LaGrowthMachine account • Enable "Update the existing contact with changed or new fields" if you want to update fields that already contain data 2. When creating/updating leads, ensure: • You're using a valid LinkedIn URL (not a Sales Navigator URL) • The audience (campaign) is correctly specified • All contact information fields are mapped correctly 3. For the integration to work properly, verify: • You're using a valid LinkedIn URL format (e.g., 'https://www.linkedin.com/in/example/') • The API connection is properly set upIf issues persist after checking these points, you'll need to request human support to investigate further. Sources: La Growth Machine integration overview | Documentation | Clay University Create or update lead with La Growth Machine
Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!
Hey Alexandre - checking your table, I see 10 custom attributes passing successfully. But if they're not showing in LaGrowthMachine, it's likely a sync issue on their end. For the non-running rows: Stale data is blocking updates. Quick fix: Toggle table off/onto retrigger all rows. This forces a fresh sync attempt Let me know if that helps https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1351774804/375708648c72cbd94ba760ae5831/CleanShot+2025-01-25+at+_538LrWHgCT%402x.png?expires=1737838800&signature=118161afb2d4ab5e5abdc01693216b45d505a8514bb0a6d2bf11a6c41889a779&req=dSMiF855mYlfXfMW1HO4zddfyEA5E6w3LAnr1i%2BZAobGRJ%2B4BJ8vt4kNBdYN%0AbiR1%0A https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1351774704/73b715dd133584be452d5d26da62/CleanShot+2025-01-25+at+_10HnnxuYOD.gif?expires=1737838800&signature=06a78cc9f5abfdb08f4de158f97019a7f87405e80de235a7d00345c16a42c95f&req=dSMiF855mYZfXfMW1HO4zXlKkGBqzhVf6Q5Jn6CutkT9KNaSWKmM6wyDCUPM%0A1So8%0A
Is it possible that they reject some linkedin profile cause of “top voices” on LinkedIn?
It’s written “No Lead found” on some of the cells. It’s the same cells where update / create fail
Do you have an API error message for these cells so I can check with LaGrowthMachine?
Hey! For those "No Lead found" and update/create failures: 1. First try toggling the table off/on- this forces a refresh 2. If errors persist after refresh, we can examine the API logs Want me to check the specific error messages for those failed cells? Note: LinkedIn "top voices" status shouldn't cause rejections
It’s weird, despite I turned off/on, it seems like some cells of the colum “create or update lead” are not updated
Ok, now we see this: What columns would you like to add in the company_domain fields of the waterfall? https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1351779474/407bd78764278fbc8a4bd3ef035d/CleanShot+2025-01-25+at+_13uWwquUVD%402x.png?expires=1737839700&signature=ec958f9a2ecc3f8b7fc17740dbaac84c1e3a5635da6c4e3373af6c25fa5a7b54&req=dSMiF855lIVYXfMW1HO4zR8K%2Fp4sfzVPHzQZ9wbeP5LNE7SgOtC6vamNm3rt%0Au2WM%0A https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1351779449/45d5a1001326b32dbcc56cb84973/CleanShot+2025-01-25+at+_46Qmss86lZ%402x.png?expires=1737839700&signature=72e4642b6f71b13c203375e94fdb2b37da32647d923c4a7de4c080fe383b0002&req=dSMiF855lIVbUPMW1HO4zb8z7UiF8l0RkpswvsrLeb5b7I3qhfsarDWhJ3xl%0AQAdN%0A
Ohh this is because of that?
I’ll remove this one then. Let me check
Hey! Yes, the issue is data staleness and missing dependencies. To fix: 1. Get all data cells updated (green status) 2. Fill missing values in dependent columns 3. Re-run affected rows The failed updates are happening because some rows lack required data from previous steps. Updating these will resolve the processing issues. https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/w28k1kwz/1351781408/7a28375f5ccf77cd41f86840dd07/CleanShot+2025-01-25+at+_245e9RQcjZ.gif?expires=1737839700&signature=2bd01deca4ca7947b33a21c1e4eeda26361319ac13f7718b9f23195f662852fa&req=dSMiF852nIVfUfMW1HO4zUHohGrSJpYOklufd8iYyPNwOTuSMVnieJKmL%2B9M%0Ay4VT%0A
Looks like you solved it!
All good now 🙂
Understood the mistake !
Thank you so much !
Nice!!! - Happy Saturday
You too !
Hi Alexandre M.! This thread was recently closed by our Support team. If you have a moment, please share your feedback:
Thank you so much for sharing your feedback Alexandre M.!