This is there any way to know what token spend has been used on? (Yesterday I had 17,000 tokens), look today and it’s down to 7000 but I have no clue where the tokens have been spent, as I didn’t enrich anything other than doing ‘find people search’ and importing free profile results
Hi Alex, let me check it
Hi Juan P., I don't think this seems right, I didn't go into the first table at all (
Whilst I did go into this table, i've not heard used a paid enrichment to find people on this table, I clicked the find people tab and chose the free enrichment on this, i've not heard of mixrank
Hey Alex, taking a look at this again.
I see now the confusion here and it was another type of search instead. Saw that this table has a hidden Find Contacts from LinkedIn column and that's actually what ran for like 5000 rows.
Uncertain how that table was created but just ran another query on my end to check the source and it says it part of it was from there. The other table does have phone enrichments which should make sense though
In any case, if that was not intended or was an error, I added credits back into your account. Worth checking out how that table got created or how records got added to it that caused it to run the hidden columns.