Help Needed: Updating HubSpot Contacts and Company Mapping Issues
I need help with creating/updating contacts in Hubspot using this table: Specifically, I'm having trouble with the following:
- 1.
Passing ""GTM Events Source," "STS Event Coupon Code" and "Attended STS Event?" through to Hubspot. The information is correct for some and incorrect for others. Alexandra Trabulsi (row 5) is a good example.
- 2.
Passing "Contact Owner" through to Hubspot. You'll see there is an error where the "Create or Update Contact" column finds Tiffany Hicks as an owner. I've confirmed the entry maps to the data model in Hubspot so not sure what I'm doing wrong.
- 3.
Creating a corresponding Company that maps to the Associated Companies object in Hubspot.
I've screenshotted the most recent result of my Clay>Hubspot push below as an added reference. Thanks for your help!!