can someone help me integrate ?
Here's how to set up an HTTP API integration:1. In Clay, create a new HTTP API integration with these settings: ā¢ Method: POST ā¢ Endpoint: Use your landing page URL (find this in the "Details" section of your Landit template) ā¢ Query Parameters: Map each variable you have, except fields starting with 'linkedin.' (these pull directly from LinkedIn API). Note: You must map the linkedin_url field ā¢ Headers: Add an 'api-key' header with your Landit API key (find this under "Account" > "API Credentials") 2. After configuration: ā¢ The Landit URL will appear in the HTTP column response ā¢ You can add this as a column by clicking a cell and selecting "Add to column"Remember to format your data properly:** Use quotes for string values ** Leave numbers and booleans unquoted * Ensure proper JSON formatting for all dynamic variables Sources: Guide: Integrate with Landit using HTTP API HTTP API integration overview | Documentation | Clay University
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Hey Miguel, thanks for reaching out! You can use an HTTP API column to integrate with SalesQL. This is their API docs: Quick video on how HTTP API works: That's also valuable for anything that has an API and that's found by typing "API Docs for Company" on Google. In those docs, they'll explain to you exactly what you would need to do to connect it and if you don't understand clearly, I usually recommend people to copy that page and then add it onto ChatGPT (website) and say create an HTTP API request for based on this. The request needs to have the URL, body, and headers. Then you just copy and paste everything. Bonus! Troubleshooting example of failed body parse issues
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