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Issue with Empty Customer Names in Clay Table Data Extraction


Hello Clay Team ๐Ÿ™‚ In this table: the green columns, specifically the one "customer name", is sometimes empty - for example in rows 144-150. The data is extracted from the lookup and if I click on the empty value and run that row again, the data is being filled in correctly. Why is this happening? I know I can filter for empty values and rerun these rows, but it should happen automatically if the data enters the sheet. Thanks in advance ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Avatar of Channeled

    This issue could be related to the auto-update settings for your lookup action. By default, new rows within your Clay table should automatically run lookup actions, but you may need to verify these settings.Here's what you can do: 1. Check the auto-update settings for your lookup column: โ€ข Click on the "customer name" column header โ€ข Review the run settings to ensure auto-update is enabled 2. If data isn't updating automatically, you can: โ€ข Click the column header โ€ข Select "sources" to manually trigger an update for all rowsIf the data appears when you manually rerun specific rows, this suggests the lookup is working correctly but might have an issue with the automatic refresh timing. Make sure there are no conditional formulas restricting when the lookup should run. Source: Snowflake integration overview | Documentation | Clay University

  • Avatar of Channeled

    Looks like you're still looking for help. We're escalating this over to our support team and someone should be in touch soon. In the meantime, feel free to include any other information that may be helpful in solving your issue!

  • Avatar of Bruno R.
    Bruno R.

    Hey there, thanks for reaching out! Taking a look at this now.

  • Avatar of Bruno R.
    Bruno R.

    At the moment we do not have the capability of re running individual enrichments such as your lookup setup to automatically pull new values from the table you're referencing - this is something our engineering team is actively thinking about and working on! In the meantime I suggest that you re-run the lookup manually to achieve what you're describing here.

  • Avatar of Justine G.
    Justine G.

    Hey, I think I didnt explain well enough and will post a loom to better show my issue (I cant talk right now, but youll see my issue anyway) In the rows, where it is filled out, it works just fine automatically when the data is pushed into the sheet. In the empty rows, it is not working for some unknown reason and I need to know why and how to prevent the empty rows.

  • Avatar of Bruno R.
    Bruno R.

    I see, the issue seems to be related to the merge feature here - I'll run some tests and see what may be causing the issue here!

  • Avatar of Bruno R.
    Bruno R.

    It looks like the issue is related to customer_name1 being pulled from this lookup which currently does not have a specific reference value: I suggest removing this customer_name1 field from the merge column and this should resolve the issue.

  • Avatar of Justine G.
    Justine G.

    I have tried your suggestion and tried putting it in a single formula instead. I deleted the data and pushed new data into the sheet and the same issue happened.

  • Avatar of Justine G.
    Justine G.
  • Avatar of Justine G.
    Justine G.

    row 163 and following rows as well

  • Avatar of Justine G.
    Justine G.

    even if the field in customer name 1 is empty, it is still working in other rows. It is just standard functionality to be able to either pull value a (customer name 1) or value b (customer name 2) into a single column via a merge function and this is what the enrichment is intended to do and created for - the solution can not be to just delete customer name 1

  • Avatar of Arturo O.
    Arturo O.

    Thank you for sharing, Justine! Arturo here, jumping in for the team in the meantime. I've been keeping track of similar situations, and was checking for potential record race issues such as this one and a similar situation you encountered with another flow that Daniela was checking on. I made sure to check the formulas again, including the merge column, it now populated the values. Also, I was overseeing the webhook import process in your table for 15-20 mins, about 120 records came in with batches of up to 6-7 at a time in some. They all ran properly at the time so I'm expecting this behavior to remain moving forward. Do let me know if you come across this again, to ensure our backend team can also use the samples to ensure the infrastructure is not stalling in any way that wouldn't allow the process to fulfill. Thank you again!

  • Avatar of Justine G.
    Justine G.
  • Avatar of Daniela D.
    Daniela D.

    Hey Justine! Truly sorry about this. Your videos are really helpful. We'll run an additional check with the team and get back with an update๐Ÿ™๐Ÿฝ.

  • Avatar of Channeled

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